Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Outsiders Chapter 5

Vocabulary: Find the meaning for the following words and write one paragraph that uses all 6 words correctly.

reluctantly- Unwilling or resistant

sullen- Gloomy, silent, dismal, mourning

eluded- To escape the understanding

imploringly- To urgently beg for aid or mercy

gallant- Brave and/or noble minded

indignant- Expressing a strong displeasure at something that is unjust, offensive or insulting

The gallant policeman arrested a burglar who tried to escape. He pretended to act as if the reason as to why he was being arrested eluded him but nobody believed him. The burglar was reluctant but was soon imploring to the cop. The cop was indignant to this and soon the burglar was in jail with a sullen expression.

1. Why does Pony have a problem with Johnny's idea to disguise themselves?
Ponyboy has a problem with Johnny's idea of disguising themselves because they will both have to cut their hair. Ponyboy didn't like this idea because he would have to cut his hair that took him a long time to grow and them bleach it blond so they could not fit the descriptions.

2. What does Pony mean when he says, "I was supposed to be the deep one"?
When Ponyboy says that he was suppose to be the deep one in the group he means that he usually understood meanings of things deeper than what some other people would think they meant.

3. Why does Johnny think he is a hero? Do you think Dally is a hero based on what he did?
Johnny thinks that Dally is a hero because he will take the blame for things that he did not do. Like the time that he was blamed for braking the schools windows and he knew it was Two- Bit but he took the blame for it anyway. Yes. I think Dally is a hero because he took the blame for something someone else did and never complained about it or turned in his friend. That is a hero. He stuck up for his best friend.

4. Why does Pony realize he doesn't like Dally? Can you explain what he means by this?
Ponyboy realizes that he doesn't like Dally because he didn't have Soda's understanding or dash, or Two-Bit's humor, or even Darry's superman qualities. He means that Dally didn't care about what happened to himself, he almost had no feelings and that's what scared Ponyboy.

5. Examine Robert Frost's poem, Nothing Gold can Stay. What do you think the poem is saying? How might this apply to the characters in the novel?
I think that the Poem is saying that whatever is good and pure on the earth can never stay. Like Ponyboy and Johnny. Everyone thought that they were the nicest greasers or the group and that they would get somewhere in life, but Johnny died because he save children's lives. He was part of mother natures gold. That's why the Poem says that nothing gold can stay.

6. On page 78, Johnny compares Pony and his brothers to their parents. Which one of your parents are you most like? What similarities do you share?
I am most like my father. I have his height and some of his facial features. But i do have my mom's eyes.

7. What does Pony mean when he says he drinks Pepsi's like a fiend?
When Ponyboy says that he drinks Pepsi like a fiend he means that he is addicted to it and can't stop drinking it. He loves it that much.

8. What's a 'heater'? Why does Dally have one?
A heater is a gun. Dally has one just in case he gets into a rumble and and needs to make a bluff if it becomes and unfair fight.

9. Why are the socs and the greasers going to fight in the vacant lot?
The Socs and greasers are going to fight in the vacant lot because each group is fighting for someone how died in their group. The fight will go on until one group flees or gives up.

10. Who's the spy for the greasers? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?
The spy for the greasers is Cherry Valance. This does not surprise me because I think that she felt bed that Ponyboy and Johnny got jumped and she wanted to help and make it up to them because it was her boyfriend who got stabbed.

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